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Department of Ophthalmology, Hadassah Medical Organization, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein-Karem, Kiryat Hadassah, P.O.B12000, Jerusalem 9112002, Israel, 2016-2024,
“La Floresta” health center from the Public Ministry of Health. Position: Rural Doctor, September 2014 –August 2015.
•Centro Oftalmológico Corredores Dieb. Position: General doctor and Ophthalmic imaging assistant.
“La Floresta” health center from the Public Ministry of Health. Position: Rural Doctor, September 2014 –August 2015.
•Centro Oftalmológico Corredores Dieb. Position: General doctor and Ophthalmic imaging assistant.
Ophthalmology Residency: Hebrew University of Jerusalem at Hadassah University Hospital
Medical retina and vítreo-retinal interface diseases fellowship: Hebrew University of Jerusalem at Hadassah University Hospital 2019-2020
Uveitis and ocular immunology fellowship: Hebrew University of Jerusalem at Hadassah University Hospital
Refractive surgery fellowship: Hebrew University of Jerusalem at Ein Tal Hadassah Laser Institute.
Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo, School of Medicine. Degree obtained: Medical Doctor
Jackson Memorial Hospital Through the Harrington Program, 4 months observership
Omni Hospital, 4 months internship
Maternidad Enrique C. Sotomayor, 2 months internship
Roberto Gilbert Pediatric Hospital, 2 months internship

Publicaciones – Congresos
Osteoporosis epidemiologic study in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Collaborator
“Incidence of Retinopathy of Prematurity in Patients Hospitalized in The Pediatric Hospital Roberto Gilbert Elizalde de la Junta de Beneficiencia de Guayaquil in The Period Between June and November of 2013” (School of Medicine Final Thesis Project, rated 110/100)
Myopic Choroidal neovascularization and Punctate inner choroidopathy
Customized aspheric aberration (Q factor) for presbyopic hyperopic correction
New method for ocular residual astigmatism reduction